adventure -

One Piece

In One Piece you play as Monkey D. Luffy and experience adventures on the Grand Line in search of the famous treasure, "One Piece". Use your elastic Gum-Gum abilities to defeat marines and other pirates you encounter along the way.

Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux

Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux is a much more advanced version of the Blaze Black 2 game. Most areas now contain at least 8 species of Pokémon, and in most cases, more! You'll be able to complete the PokéDex within the game, and most Pokémon are available no later than at the seventh badge, meaning you can create practically any team you want!

Pokemon FireRed

Players embark on a journey, collecting Pokémon, training them, and battling other trainers to become the Pokémon Master. The remake faithfully builds on the original, adding a few new attractions: a new region of the world, new Pokémon, and the ability to exchange data.

Pokemon FireRed PL

There is no translation available.

Gracze wyruszają w podróż, zbierając Pokemony, trenując je i walcząc z innymi trenerami, aby stać się Mistrzem Pokemonów. Remake wiernie bazuje na oryginale, dodając kilka nowych atrakcji: nowy region świata, nowe pokemony oraz możliwość wymiany danych.

Pokémon Platinum PL


Pokémon Platinum is the third version of the popular games Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, released for the Nintendo DS handheld console in 2008. The game is part of the third generation of Pokémon games and offers an expanded storyline, new features, and additional Pokémon that were not available in previous versions.