The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The game is set in the magical kingdom of Hyrule and tells the story of a young boy named Link, who is chosen to save the world from the evil ruler Ganon.
The game is set in the magical kingdom of Hyrule and tells the story of a young boy named Link, who is chosen to save the world from the evil ruler Ganon.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time PL jest polską wersją jednego z najbardziej znaczących i wpływowych tytułów w historii gier. Akcja gry rozgrywa się w magicznym świecie Hyrule, a fabuła skupia się na przygodach młodego bohatera o imieniu Link, który został wybrany, aby ocalić świat przed złowrogim władcą Ganonem.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is a magical adventure, released on the Nintendo DS handheld console. It is the fourteenth installment of the legendary The Legend of Zelda series, known for its epic tales, logical puzzles, and heroic challenges. The game continues the story from the previous installment, TLoZ The Wind Waker.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap to legendarna gra przygodowa, wydana na przenośną konsolę GBA. Tytuł ten jest kolejną odsłoną legendarnego cyklu Zeldy, gdzie gracze wcielają się w postać Linka, aby ocalić królestwo Hyrule. Gra zachowuje wiele elementów wspólnych dla poprzednich gier z serii Zelda, zwłaszcza tych z widokiem z góry, takich jak A Link to the Past, i wprowadza nowe funkcje i mechaniki.
The game provides exciting volleyball gameplay. Players can compete in single-player mode, two-player mode, or enter tournament mode, where they can attempt to win the championship in beach volleyball matches.
An adventure game based on the popular cowboy character known from movies, comics, and TV series. You play as the Lone Ranger himself, and your task is to protect the Wild West from bandits and criminals.
The Revenge of the Smurfs is a Smurf-tastic platform game available on the GBA platform, which transports players to the colorful and magical world of small blue creatures known as Smurfs. In this game, players take on the role of one of the Smurfs, trying to counteract a new threat that has befallen their village. The game is based on the SNES version of "The Smurfs" game.
Tomb Raider is a cult adventure game that introduced players to the fascinating world of Lara Croft, a brave archaeologist and adventurer. The game initiated a series that became one of the most famous and influential titles in the history of video games.
Players take on the role of the titular hero, Tombi, a boy with pink hair who lives in the wilderness. Tombi's main goal is to recover his grandfather's stolen bracelet from the evil pigs. Throughout his adventure, Tomba explores diverse locations, battles enemies, and solves puzzles, all in a colorful and charming world full of details.
You play as Yuko Ahso, a young woman who is chosen as the heroine fighting against the dark forces of King Glames threatening her world of Vecanti. Yuko is armed with a magical sword called Valis, which gives her extraordinary powers.
Gracze wcielają się w rolę detektywa Quinna Harta, który zostaje wciągnięty w tajemniczą intrygę dotyczącą nielegalnej produkcji narkotyków i niezidentyfikowanych stworzeń. Posiadasz groźny .44 Magnum, granaty i laserową batogę, która daje Ci przewagę nad czymkolwiek na dwóch nogach.
One of the installments of the popular platform game series where players take on the role of Wario - a selfish anti-hero and miser. This time Wario sets out to search for valuable treasures hidden in an ancient pyramid.
Wario Land 4: Parallel World is a complete rom modification of Wario Land 4, released on the 20th anniversary of Wario Land 4.
Wcielasz się w rolę młodego wojownika, który został przemieniony w wilkołaka i posiada zdolność zmiany kształtu. Twoim celem jest pokonanie Reapera i wyzwolenie świata spod jego kontroli.
Whomp 'Em is a platform game released for the NES console. It was produced by Jaleco and originally released in 1991. Players take on the role of a young Native American named Soaring Eagle, who sets out on a dangerous journey to obtain a magic feather and save his tribe.
Willow is an action-adventure game created by Capcom, loosely based on the fantasy film of the same title from 1988. Released on the NES console in 1989, the game transports players to a magical world full of adventures, magic, and dangers. Willow tells the story of Willow, the chosen one, who must restore the human form of the kind-hearted sorceress Fin Raziel and destroy the evil sorceress, Bavmorda.
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles is an adventure action game released in 1993 and based on the 90s TV series of the same name. Players have access to various types of weapons such as dynamite, daggers, grenades, and pistols, as well as Indiana's characteristic whip.
Zen - Intergalactic Ninja is a platform action game released on the NES console. The player takes on the role of Zen, a cosmic warrior who embarks on a mission to save Earth from the evil forces of an alien civilization. The game combines action, puzzles, and science fiction elements.